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National/Oaxaca/Chiapas: National tour on forcible disappearance in Mexico

Miércoles 11 de marzo de 2015

March 10, 2015

On 2 and 3 March, in observance of the “National tour on forcible disappearance in Mexico: the case of Gabriel Alberto Cruz Sánchez and Edmundo Reyes Amaya, a crime against humanity,” as organized by the National Front for the Struggle toward Socialism (FNLS) and the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared “Until We Find Them,” a press-conference was organized together with a teacher’ meeting in San Cristóbal de Las Casas. The relatives in question, Nadin Reyes Maldonado and Margarita Cruz Sánchez, as well as the lawyer César Augusto Sandino Rivero Espinosa, presented the case of the two social activists, who were detained and disappeared in 2007. They denounced that “the Mexican State continues insists on maintaining the military on the margins of consideration. Of the four lines of investigation in the case, at least three mention the participation of federal forces. However, those reaches of federal power must remain in impunity, and so they blame local officials.”

Furthermore, Nadin Reyes Maldonado and Margarita Cruz Sánchez denounced the criminalization of the search for the relatives and their struggle for a broad investigation. Their lawyer indicated the gravity of the impact of a case like this, being a “direct repression against a social struggle.” The organizations calling for the tour indicate as well in their communique the national dimensions of this crime: “The forcible disappearances of people are a reality that hurt increasingly more people, including millions of Mexicans like Gabriel Alberto Cruz Sánchez and Edmundo Reyes Amaya, […] as well as the Triqui indigenous women Daniela and Virginia Ortiz Ramírez, the Chatino indigenous man Lauro Juárez, and the 43 students from Ayotzinapa.” They call for the Mexican State to “be judged before international courts for State terror and crimes against humanity. In this same way, State authorities must be held accountable for their participation or omission in the commission of multiple human-rights violations.”

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